A New Year!!!

It’s a New Year and a new opportunity for more tie dye fun! Last year I had a great tie dye adventure. I have been tie dyeing for over 15 years, but last year was the first year that I launched a website and made tie dyeing my full-time business.

I started filming and producing YouTube videos sharing tie dye tutorials (my successes, happy accidents, and a few failures). I was overwhelmed by the support that I received and I have loved being able to share the knowledge that I have with others who love tie dye as much as I do. I have a science background and so I love “experimenting” with various techniques, designs, and dye combinations to see what the outcome is.

I decided to start this blog to share more about tie dye and to help answer some of the many questions I get from viewers. I don’t claim to know everything about tie dyeing, but I am happy to share what I do. There are also a variety of ways and methods to tie dye, so I am not claiming that mine is the “right” way or the only way - it’s just the way that I found works the best for me. I am always learning and growing!

If you haven’t ever watched any of my YouTube videos, I have a link to my channel below. I try to keep the videos as short as possible, but still give the important information so that you can follow what I am doing on the screen. On the blog posts, I will expound a bit on some of the details or the steps from the video.

I hope you all have a wonderful year! I look forward to getting creative and making some awesome tie dye!


Reverse Geode Hoodie